SAIP APD 2023 Postgrad Awards
Honours Presentation (Poster and Oral combined):
Sana Patel
University of Venda
“First- Principles Study of sodium De-intercalation From Tri-Chalcogenide NaNbSe2” (poster)
MSc Poster:
Light Mkhumbuza
University of the Witwatersrand
“Phase characterisation of a deformable mirror through digital Stokes polarimetry”
MSc Oral:
Ronel Randela
University of Venda
“Density functional theory study of Porphyrin dye molecule adsorbed on TiO2 (010) Anatase surface”
PhD Poster:
Samuel Temaugee
University of the Witwatersrand
“Ion-induced radiation damage in Lutetium – Aluminium and Gold using SRIM-2013”
PhD Oral:
Thendo Nemakhavhani
University of Johannesburg
“Long-term Kimberlite activation for Radiological Assessment for the Min-PET technique”